Keller Williams Integrity Realty
Marty Richter
Keller Williams Classic Realty NW
Maple Grove, MN
ライセンス #: 40538839 - MN / Richter's HomesでのReal Estate Agent


Marty Richter is a REALTOR and the Director of Technology at Keller Williams Classic Realty NW in Maple Grove, MN, as well as the Technology Chair for Keller Williams Young Professionals Twin Cities. With over 17 years of experience working with technology, he brings great knowledge to the table. His formal education was in computer technical support and his real-life experience includes home electronics and automation, computer building, website building, social media & marketing, and real estate technology.

言語 English
専門分野と指定 REALTOR
マーケットセンター Keller Williams Classic Realty NW
Marty Richter
Real Estate Agent 40538839
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